
This website gives a brief overview on my research, (third-party funded) projects, teaching, and professional background with further references. If you like to contact me, feel free to do so via the addresses provided on my university website linked below.

I am conducting research in mathematical programming and operations research, on the edge between computer science, mathematics, and economics. While there is undoubtably a focus on computational methods and numerical implementations of high performance, theoretical investigations and analyses are a steady part of my scientific work. More specifically, my research interests include (but are not limited to):

Typically, the emphasis of my theoretical and computational work is on a better solution of optimization or decision making problems in practice. This may be, e.g., by improving or reformulating models, by sophisticated computational advances such as engineered separation algorithms, by exploiting structures to derive tailored preprocessing, linearization, or solution methods, or by enhancing generic solution methods themselves.

My research thus naturally targets applications from the fields of Management Science, Operations Research, and several other interdisciplinary fields, especially since I gained particular expertise in ordering and assignment as well as binary quadratic problems which are ubiquitous especially (but not only) in economics.

Please find below a selection of current research projects, and listings of publications.

The above mentioned scientific fields are also an integral part of my teaching while my experience and portfolio covers also several further areas in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Economics.

Academic Background & Professional Appointments

Since April 2024, I am an interim full professor for Management Science at the University of Siegen, Germany.

Moreover, since April 2020, I am affiliated with the University of Bonn, Germany. I am also an elected member of the steering committee of the transdisciplinary research area Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems at the University of Bonn.

My prior academic background is as follows:

Research Projects

This a collection of selected research directions and projects with recent developments and publications.

Maximum Cut Problem (MaxCut) and Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO)

I work on exact methods for these two strongly related problems from various perspectives.

Methods for Constrained Binary Quadratic Optimization

Sophisticated Mixed-Integer Programming and Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization

It is my passion to design and improve mathematical models with emphasis on their better practical solution. Moreover, I develop sophisticated solution techniques like Branch-and-Cut Algorithms that go far beyond “plugging a model into a solver”. In this line of research, I have tackled various optimization problems with many interdisciplinary applications, and gained particularly an expert for ordering and assignment (matching) problems. The most recent publications deal with:


A full publication list (i.e., with theses, recent articles to appear, as well as preprints) is here.
A list of peer-reviewed publications is available via ORCID.
Finally, you might also take a look at DBLP, however, as you see some of the rather math-oriented journal publications are either not listed there or only listed with a quite large delay.