BibTeX Entries
@techreport{Mallach2024QLOP, author = {Mallach, Sven}, title = {Advances in Polyhedral Relaxations of the Quadratic Linear Ordering Problem}, institution = {University of Siegen, Germany, University of Bonn, Germany}, year = {2024}, month = {9}, type = {Preprint}, url = {} }
@techreport{Mallach2023MaxCutST, author = {Mallach, Sven}, title = {A Family of Spanning-Tree Formulations for the Maximum Cut Problem}, institution = {University of Bonn, Germany}, year = {2023}, month = {12}, type = {Preprint}, url = {} }
@techreport{Mallach2022BQSimplex, author = {Mallach, Sven}, title = {A Quadratic Simplex Algorithm for Primal Optimization over Zero-One Polytopes}, institution = {University of Bonn, Germany}, year = {2022}, month = {5}, type = {Extended Abstract}, url = {} }
@misc{mallach2018compact, title = {Compact Linearization for Binary Quadratic Problems Comprising Linear Constraints}, author = {Sven Mallach}, year = {2018}, eprint = {1808.08806}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {math.OC} }
@misc{mallach2017compact, title = {Compact Linearization for Binary Quadratic Problems subject to Linear Equations}, author = {Sven Mallach}, year = {2017}, eprint = {1712.05872}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {math.OC} }
@techreport{Mallach2016ComDelaysPreprint, author = {Mallach, Sven}, title = {Improved Mixed-Integer Programming Models for Multiprocessor Scheduling with Communication Delays}, institution = {University of Cologne, Germany}, year = {2016}, month = {9}, type = {Preprint}, url = {} }
@techreport{Mallach2015VSNP, author = {Mallach, Sven}, title = {A practical mixed-integer programming model for the vertex separation number problem}, institution = {University of Cologne, Germany}, year = {2015}, month = {10}, type = {Preprint}, url = {} }
@techreport{Mallach2011TriCon, author = {Mallach, Sven}, title = {On separation pairs and split components of biconnected graphs}, institution = {University of Cologne, Germany}, year = {2011}, month = {06}, type = {Preprint}, url = {} }
@techreport{GrSchmMal2011, author = {Gronemann, Martin and Jünger, Michael and Mallach, Sven and Schmidt, Daniel R.}, title = {Towards shortest longest edges in orthogonal graph drawing}, institution = {University of Cologne, Germany}, year = {2011}, month = {12}, type = {Preprint}, url = {} }